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    Casale poggio degli olivi

    Recanati, MC Campagna

    1 €

    Casale poggio degli olivi. Over the years, as a real estate agent, I have learnt that when people are looking for the perfect farmhouse, they always put in first…

    • Rooms3
    • Bathrooms1
    • 180
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Casale dell'insegnante

    Staffolo, AN

    60,000 €

    The teacher’s house is a delightful property immersed in the countryside of the municipality of Staffolo, close to Ancona and Conero beaches and prestigious land of renowned wines such…

    • Bathrooms1
    • 140
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Casale poggio delle meraviglie

    Cingoli, MC

    195,000 €

    KNOLL OF WONDERS. The Latins would have said “nomen omen,” which translated means “a name a destiny.” The essence of this property is completely encapsulated in its name. A…

    • Rooms4
    • Bathrooms1
    • 650
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Casale Nobildonna

    Appignano, MC

    475,000 €

    CASALE NOBILDONNA. If you are fascinated by the idea of breathing in the atmosphere of a piece of our region’s history, if you want to preserve the memory of…

    • Rooms7
    • Bathrooms5
    • 525
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Casale Vitto

    Cingoli, MC

    110,000 €

    • Rooms6
    • Bathrooms2
    • 250
    • Type Casa-affiancata
    • Loading
    Casale degli olivi

    Recanati, MC Campagna

    210,000 €

    CASALE DEGLI OLIVI. When you reach the property, in front of you there is a wonderful view of the Marche countryside and you are already almost at the end…

    • Rooms4
    • Bathrooms1
    • 650
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Casale Patti

    Treia, MC Santa Maria in Paterno

    210,000 €

    Casale Patti is the perfect farmhouse to make every customer’s dreams come true. It has a beautiful and very particular shape that makes it fascinating and unique, traditional materials,…

    • Rooms6
    • Bathrooms2
    • 550
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Design in campagna

    Cingoli, MC Campagna

    620,000 €

    DESIGN IN THE COUNTRY. In the heart of the Marche, in the municipality of Cingoli (called “Balcony of the Marche” for its spectacular view over the hills towards the…

    • Rooms4
    • Bathrooms4
    • 350
    • Type Villa
    • Loading
    Casale Olimpo

    Montecassiano, MC Campagna

    89,000 €

    Casale Olimpo. If you can see the sea in the distance from the hills, then there is no more beautiful place. Soft, lush hills surround the farmhouse, the view…

    • Rooms4
    • Bathrooms1
    • 410
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Casale della volpe

    Cingoli, MC Campagna

    45,000 €

    THE FOX. In the open countryside and surrounded by fields of wheat and sunflowers, with a wonderful view over the green hills, we sell this beautiful brick farmhouse. The…

    • Rooms5
    • Bathrooms1
    • 360
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Casale verdicchio

    Apiro, MC

    210,000 €

    Casale verdicchio – Between the delightful and historic town of Apiro, a stone’s throw from the lake and the famous “via del Verdicchio” (Verdicchio wine production area), we offer…

    • Rooms4
    • Bathrooms4
    • 220
    • Type Casa-affiancata
    • Loading
    Casale di Romeo

    Cingoli, MC Colognola

    190,000 €

    CASALE DI ROMEO: To line up all the features of this amazing property would be a long list of buildings, square metres, land, but although numbers tell us a…

    • Rooms4
    • Bathrooms1
    • 350
    • Lot Size80000 m²
    • Type Country house
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    Casale 2P

    Cingoli, MC Grottaccia

    140,000 €

    • Rooms3
    • Bathrooms1
    • 320
    • Type Country house
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    Casale di Flo


    395,000 €

    Flo’s farmhouse. Waking up with the hills of the Marche that unfold all before your eyes is the privilege of a few, enjoying a sunrise that slowly awakens the…

    • Rooms4
    • Bathrooms2
    • 500
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Mastro birraio

    Montefano, MC

    65,000 €

    THE BREWMASTER. You can’t see this house in spite of is not so isolated and the road to reach it is by no means impervious ….. but he is…

    • Rooms3
    • Bathrooms1
    • 350
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Casale poggio infinito

    Cingoli, MC Campagna

    170,000 €

    Casale infinitive hill has the name it deserves because this house really enjoys an infinite view of the Marche hills, a knoll overlooking olive groves, sunflowers and wheat and…

    • Rooms5
    • Bathrooms1
    • 320
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Casale berta filava

    San Severino Marche, MC

    130,000 €

    CASALE BERTA FILAVA. If you are looking for a farmhouse to renovate, if you dream of being surrounded only by the soft and rolling hills of Le Marche region,…

    • 370
    • Type Country house
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    Casale Ezechiele

    Filottrano, AN

    1 €


    • Rooms4
    • Bathrooms1
    • 360
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Casale 8smn

    Santa Maria Nuova, AN

    150,000 €

    CASALE 8SMN is the perfect example of the Mache farmhouse deeped in the countryside between fields of wheat and sunflowers. It has a privileged position because despite being in…

    • Rooms3
    • Bathrooms1
    • 285
    • Type Country house
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    Casale del poeta

    Recanati, MC

    270,000 €

    Poet’s farmhouse. I am not sure that words like breathtaking panorama, extraordinary view, privileged location actually render the beauty of this place and the photos only partially succeed in…

    • Rooms6
    • Bathrooms2
    • 450
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    La gatta sul tetto...

    Cingoli, MC

    1 €


    • Rooms5
    • Bathrooms3
    • 350
    • Type Apartment
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    Cingoli, MC


    • Rooms4
    • Bathrooms3
    • 450
    • Type Country house, Country house
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    Il frustolo

    Fiastra, MC

    1 €

    SOLD: The frustolo is a stone house completely renovated, from the foundations to the roof, works were executed in 2009 and 2019, is perfectly habitable from the start, is…

    • Rooms5
    • Bathrooms4
    • 260
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    Casale San Mauro

    San Severino Marche, MC

    110,000 €

    Casale San Mauro is a delightful house lost in the green countryside of San Severino Marche, far from any noise, any source of pollution and immersed in silence and…

    • Rooms2
    • Bathrooms1
    • 250
    • Type Country house
    • Loading
    La fontanella

    Cingoli, MC

    150,000 €

    • Rooms4
    • Bathrooms2
    • 350
    • Type Casa-affiancata
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